Drug-Free Ways to Calm Anxiety

Anxiety is a signal we need to listen to, not an illness we need to manage.  Its a reaction to life’s challenges, not a biological disease to be treated.  Dr. Caroline Leaf

For many years, I suffered from anxiety, unaware that was what I was experiencing.  Many people experience anxiety in one form or another, and it can be overwhelming. I chose natural methods to help relieve the symptoms.  From personal experience,  I have found living a healthy life free from the debilitating symptoms of anxiety is possible.

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1. Essential Oils

Essential oils are one of my favorite ways to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Oils, known for their calming abilities, are Lavender, Rose, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Chamomile and Frankincense.   


  • Diffusing Lavender, Vetiver and Frankincense. (smells AMAZING)
  • Adding 2-4 drops of essential oil, 1 tsp avocado oil and 2 cups epsom salt to bath.
  • Apply directly to wrists and neck to relieve symptoms at onset.


After years of research I choose Young Living Essential Oils.  If you like to know more about Young Living Essential Oils, please contact me.

2. Supplements

Studies support the claim that supplements and herbs diminish anxiety symptoms.


  • LICORICE ROOT helps regulate the production of stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, therefore reducing anxiety symptoms.  Licorice Root is found in teas and liquid.
  • ASHWAGANDHA is an adaptogenic herb.  It supports adrenal function by calming you down and enhancing energy at the same time.  Studies have shown that it reduces anxiety symptoms.  Ashwagandha is found in teas and capsules.
  • B VITAMINS are vital for a healthy nervous system.  They have an impact on stress management and mood.  B vitamins are found in grass fed beef, wild caught salmon and leafy green.
  • L-THEANINE, an amino acid, improves focus and promotes relaxation.  Research shows it has a positive effect on your mental state.  L-theanine is found in green tea, black tea and capsules.
  • PROBIOTICS are necessary for a healthy gut, but a healthy balance of bacteria is important for mental health too.  Probiotics are found in sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and supplements

Always consult your health practitioner prior to taking any new supplements.

3. Sleep

By now we all know how important it is to get good sleep.  Sleep affects growth, stress, hormones, immune system, appetite, breathing, blood pressure and cardiovascular health. Without good restorative sleep you aren’t getting what you need to heal the body and brain.  


  • Sticking to a schedule.
  • Keeping the room dark and cold (60-67 degrees).
  • Writing down all your days concerns so it doesn’t keep you up.
  • Eating 2-3 hours before bed so your digestive system doesn’t wake you.

3. Ditch the Caffeine

Caffeine can make anxiety symptoms worse, causing nervousness and decreasing the production of the feel-good chemical, serotonin, in the body.  There are many alternatives to reduce your caffeine consumption.


4. Be Active

Regular exercise is not only good for you physical health, but also your emotional health.  Best to sweat it out for 20 minutes 3-5 days a week.


  • Walking briskly outdoors.
  • Enrolling in a new class at the local gym.
  • Hiking on your favorite trail.
  • Moving in any activity that you enjoy.

5. Deep Breathing and Meditation

By doing a few simple breathing and meditation exercises you can lower your heart rate, regulate your bodies reaction to stress and fatigue, and reduce depression. 

Deep breathing turns on the vagus nerve and stops the stress response in its track. By using these techniques you can prevent your stress response from overacting in the first place. 


  • 2 to 1 technique (how to video)
  • 4-7-8 technique (how to video
  • Meditation apps (Abide and Soultime)
  • Prayer and meditation of scripture for anxiety (here)

6. Nutrition

It is no surprise that eating healthy food is beneficial to your body.  If you suffer from anxiety, it is important to give your body and brain what it needs to function better.


  • Skip the processed foods and instead snack on veggies and hummus.
  • Trade refined sugar for honey or maple syrup.
  • Eat nuts and seeds.  Brazil nuts are high in selenium and pumpkin seeds are high in potassium.
  • Eat more fermented foods. Add kimchi to your favorite asian dish.
  • Eat more avocados.  Add them to a smoothie for extra creaminess.
  • Chickpeas, lentils, beans and legumes are a great swap for red meat.
  • Swap out milk for cashew, almond or coconut milk.

Keep in mind that there is no one-size fit all approach to treating your anxiety symptoms.  It take patience, perseverance, dedication and commitment.  

I highly recommend visiting Dr Caroline Leaf’s website.  She has great information on anxiety and mental health. If you have more severe anxiety symptoms, it is best to find a naturopathic doctor to guide you through the steps to healing.  Find one near you here.